Hybrid model for education

  1. Hybrid model for education
    1. Omni-channel experience ( online education, offline education is offered) for education.
    2. Better utilization of real estate of schools with all necessary protocols.
    3. Students are taught

                        i.  How to open bank account. Virtual currencies are offered & investment/saving/spending habits are taught

                        ii.  Financial literacy ( what all a bank offers, when to take loans/credit cards..)

                        iii.  When to go to the doctor

                        iv.  How to file tax & education of various public utility functions ( These can be created reated through AR/VR ).

  1.  With VR, immersive games are planned & soft skills are taught
  2. How to use/how much to use various digital devices. Lesson on good/cons of social media.
  3.   Green energy
    1. Though EV will come, charging stations will be very less.
    2. Replaceable battery & battery stations.
    3. At each house ( tall apartments), device, a size of small plate to get charged by sun-light, wind power.
    4. These plates can be put on top of EV vehicle & can get charged when vehicle is on road/sunny area.
    5. Some of our other devices ( mobile phone/laptop..) will get charged by these devices.
    6. Vertical plants on walls of tall apartments
  4. Waste Management
    1. Machine to shred mask & other bio equipment
    2. Decompose other types of wastes & generate energy.
    3. CSR money & governments will spend lot of money to meet carbon neutral goals.

What do you think?

Written by Bhuwan Pant

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