Small ideas

  1. Mobile projectors. I can carry that along with my laptop. Just fit my laptop & project on screen. Today, when we go other offices ( client/vendor office), though we may have prepared a fantastic PPT/presentation but lot of effort/energy goes in making sure that our laptop is able to connect with their meeting room’s projector system.
  2. Adaptor, to handle various charging points in various countries, to handle various devices ( iphone, Android, Samsung..)
  3. When my phone rings, it will keep on announcing the name of caller. As of now, only first time it announces the name & after that boring ring. We are at home, doing some work. Based on the name announced, I can decide to rush & pick call or do later.
  4.  Aggregator APP, which will tell various webinars happening near my place of residence, online webinars happening in next 24 hours, related to my area of interest.

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Written by Bhuwan Pant

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